


          Отрывки из книги




          Текст и иллюстрации

          Георгий Марку


          Никосия 2003


          Интернет-редакция Д-р Андреас Андерсен







Germany and Austria

(pp. 94-111, 202-206, 7, 9, 49, 148 and 172)



In the year 962 the German King Otto the Great was crowned emperor by the Pope, and this marked the beginning of the imperium which was later given the name of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. It lasted until 1806, when Emperor Franz II abdicated. In 1804 however he had also assumed the title of Emperor of Austria, and during the years 1804-6 he was thus both German and Austrian emperor. The Austrian empire continued until 1918 but it was superseded by Prussia in political power, and in 1871 the King of Prussia was elected German emperor as William I.






